Dangerous molds: In this case, you should moldy bread to throw away

White fur on top of the jam, green-grey upholstery in the bread or black spots on the wall – the mould is spreading. Only some of them endanger the health, but most of them belong in the garbage with a few exceptions.

  • Mold on food is almost always a sign of corruption.
  • Who consumed often moldy food can poison by mycotoxins.
  • Health danger by the Inhalation of mold spores.

In Germany, the spores of more than 200 molds floating through the air and settle everywhere: on foods, in the pot of flowers on room walls. Except a little moisture, mold needs nothing to spread rapidly, preferably during the summer, but also in the refrigerator.

Therefore, we discover again and again, green-grey upholstery in toast bread, white fur covering on fruits, black spots under the yogurt lid. And ask us: the nasty remove or throw away everything?

The Federal Institute for risk assessment, and the consumer Central rates, as a precaution, to Dispose of it. Because some molds produce toxic metabolic products. These mycotoxins push far into the food. Can’t see the danger. Similarly, the size of the superficial mould betrays covering something about the Toxin amount. So, as a precaution, toss it in the trash with mouldy food.

This can cause mold toxins:

  • Mycotoxins can be acute in larger quantities and longer-term chronic poisoning.
  • You can attack the liver and kidney, and even promote cancer.
  • In the laboratory, the mould fungus toxins have proved to be harmful to embryo turned out. Therefore, Pregnant women should not Angeschimmeltes eat.
  • Mold fungi can cause allergies similar to hay fever.
  • They can aggravate existing allergies and Asthma.
  • People with a weakened immune system can suffer due to the Inhalation of mold spores to serious infections of the respiratory tract.

Depending on the mold and a breeding ground of different toxic metabolic products to develop, for example:

  • A particularly strong mushroom the cell-damaging aflatoxins , found mainly in nuts, grains, and spices is poison.
  • Ochratoxins occur in coffee, cereal, beer, dried fruits and vegetables.
  • In fruits, fruit products and fruit juice of the fungal toxin Patulin.

Fruits and vegetables

In foods with high water content, mold grows quickly. A rotten strawberry can infect the whole pack, because of the spore-threads spread very quickly – without that, you can immediately see mould. What you should do:

  • If in solid fruits and vegetables, only small brown suggest, to mold, it is sufficient, this generously cut.
  • Aqueous fruits, such as peaches, plums or tomatoes should be discarded if they are infested.
  • A mouldy piece of fruit you should not cook to a compote or jam, the majority of fungal species are very heat resistant.
  • Mold in fruit juice is shown by Schlieren – the entire contents of the bottle Best offer tilting on BestCheck.de

Nuts, grains and spices

  • Not long torches there are in moldy nuts, especially pistachios. The fungus releases a strong poison Aflatoxin. Discolored or bitter-rancid fruits sorted out and in the trash.
  • The same applies for dry fruits and milled spices such as pepper and paprika powder. If spice powder lumps, despite the dry conditions, mould be to blame: throw it away.
  • Also moldy cereal is considered to be hazardous to health: therefore, the whole pack in the garbage bin.


On bread green mold, in particular, often broad, white bread, he attacks faster than darker varieties, or sourdough bread. Toast bread and pre-packaged discs are mold-candidates. Who Provided a mold-disk is, but no Worries. Nevertheless, the following applies:

  • generously cut, if a loaf of bread is affected
  • throw away, if it is sliced bread

Some experts advise but also, in the case of small mold all the bread points to throw away because of the mold with safety spread already invisible, and possibly fungal toxins.


In the case of jam, the sugar content, if you save something and eat it. Because sugar acts as a preservative:

  • In the case of mold on a solid jam, with a minimum of 50 percent of sugar is sufficient, the affected part of the body to withdraw generous.
  • Semi-liquid fruit spread and reduced-sugar “diet”jam include completely disposed of. Easier to mycotoxins may be produced.


Cheese has a special feature: the mold is desirable sometimes. Whether Camembert, Brie, Gorgonzola or Roquefort – this cheese is called noble mold, which may be do not develop fungal toxins, and without hesitation ate it.

Pregnant women are often advised to not eat mould cheese. However, this is not the harmless cultural mold, but due to the fact that many of the Gourmet-cheese made from raw milk. Thus, the risk of a Listeria infection, with serious consequences for the Unborn.

Mold on cheese has to be removed, however, as well as from any food, because they produce unhealthy fungal toxins. The following applies:

  • Fresh, Soft and melted cheese with mold set is completely disposed of.
  • The whole pack in the garbage must also angeschimmeltem cut or grated cheese.
  • Of hard cheese pieces, you can cut off the moldy corners generously, because the solid consistency cannot penetrate the fungus threads quite so easily.


Also of air-dried Salami or ham, it is known that the fungi that grow during the ripening process, do not form toxins. But: if there Is mold in the middle of a slice of Salami or raw ham, is the harmful variety and must in the trash.

Mold on cooked and fresh sausage is always of the unhealthy. Because, with few exceptions, is mold on food is always a sign of corruption.