9 Women Reveal The Moment They Realised The “Honeymoon Period” Was Over

The beginning of a relationship typically involves a lot of hot sex, starry-eyed dates and sucking it in. For some, this honeymoon period lasts a lifetime and for others it’s a matter of months. But inevitably you’re swapping candlelit dinners for couch time and the door on the bathroom is just for decoration.

Recently a Reddit user asked, “How did you know when you and your SO had left the honeymoon phase?” And we can all relate to the answers.

1. “Right now, trying to file our taxes for the first time as a married couple. What a nightmare.”

2. “When he started going to the bathroom without closing the door and I started going in to brush my hair while he was in there.”

3. “It comes in waves for me honestly. I go through a honeymoon cycle every so often, where we are like a new couple or newlyweds all over again. All giggly and touchy and smiley. When we left it for real the first time, I knew it because I felt comfortable. I didn’t need to brag to anyone about anything. I didn’t want to bone every second of every day. It was enough just watching tv or reading books side by side. I like this part even more than the honeymoon phase.”

4. “When he started giving me a lot of detailed descriptions of his bowel movements.”

5. “When he seemed comfortable giving me a Dutch Oven”

6. “I’m about to that point right now. I am getting annoyed when we sleep in the same bed or hang out, and I have built up a lot of resentment over some things. Grudges are easy to form and so hard to let go of. The cheery, silly love is [just] about gone and it’s not the honeymoon [anymore] in a sad/not good way.”

7. “When we started being honest with each other, even if it pissed [us] off.

8. “When he started playing VR later than I can stay up. Nothing says ‘one player game’ like strapping a screen to your face and shutting the door most weekend nights.”

9. “When we started squeezing each other’s spots.”

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