47 deaths in Greece, Italy and Serbia

Southern European countries that currently report increased fatal cases of West Nile fever. The viral disease is transmitted mainly by mosquitoes. Alone in Greece, Italy and Serbia, the number of data summed in the last few weeks to just under 50:

  • In Italy there was between the beginning of June and the 23. August according to data from the health authority, ISS, ten Dead. There are the North and parts of Sardinia are particularly affected.
  • In Greece, increased the number of dead people within a week to 5 to 16, as a spokeswoman for the authority, Keelpno to the news Agency ANA-MPA reported. Most of the cases were on the Peninsula of Peloponnese and in the rural areas around Athens and in the area around the port city of Thessaloniki captures.
  • In Serbia , since the beginning of the year, 21 deaths confirmed, the authorities on Wednesday said. There is the danger of becoming infected is especially in the capital city of Belgrade.

In the three countries, a total of approximately 400 additional infections were detected. The actual number is likely much higher: Around 80 percent of Sufferers do not develop or harmless symptoms such as headache and limb pain.

In Italy, the pathogen spreads, however, in the case of relatively many patients on the nervous system, such as the health authority reported. A total of 103 of the previously 255 confirmed infections were hard to therefore. For comparison: In the whole of the previous year, 27 with a severe course were recorded in Italy, the Ansa news Agency, a total of 55 infections. Only one person died.

Germany: Virus detected for the first time at bird

Also from Romania, Hungary, France, Kosovo, Croatia and Bosnia confirmed cases were reported. In Germany, the West occurs Nile fever only very rarely, but it was so far always from abroad-imported cases. However, the Virus was detected for the first time, a bird in Germany, the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute (FLI) announced on the island of Riems on Wednesday.

The FLI, a great grey owl in Halle (Saale) was infected with the pathogen. The animal was found in mid-August, dead in his aviary. How the pathogen came to the hall, is not currently known. Detailed studies should give, according to the FLI shows. To examine whether blood-sucking mosquitoes carry the end in the area, the Virus.

Birds are the main host of the Virus. Mosquitoes become infected often if you prick the animals and can give the pathogen then to the people. For this reason, many outbreaks occur along typical routes of migratory birds.

This summer: More cases, earlier onset

The West Nile fever occurs in Parts of Europe, is normal. Already in 1996, there was a major outbreak in Romania. Since then, the disease has occurred repeatedly in European countries, especially Italy, Greece and Romania. This summer occurred the first cases, however, particularly early on, in addition, the case numbers were significantly higher than in the previous years.

In the affected areas, it had rained in March and much of April and may were unusually warm, according to a report by the European CDC (ECDC). This could have the mosquito-a particularly strong increase.

It must be expected that the number of people Affected increases in the next few weeks: at Its peak, the eruption usually reached between mid-August and mid-September.

Muscle pain, swollen lymph nodes and fever

Typical symptoms of West Nile fever, muscle and headaches, swollen lymph nodes, and fever. Part of Nausea and vomiting can be added. About a third of patients get a skin rash on the chest, back and arms. Rare inflammation of the brain or of the meninges – the infection can be fatal.

Against the pathogen, no vaccine, there are still a targeted therapy. In the case of complications of fluid come gave, ventilation and other intensive care measures to use. The world health organization (WHO), according to considered around hard one of 150 infected people sick statistically.

In Greece, residents were advised to use vaporizer or ointments against insects. The Foreign office reminds travellers to protect themselves from mosquito bites.

Apart from mosquito bites infect humans very rarely, through blood transfusions or organ transplants. Similarly, a Transmission from mother to child when Breastfeeding is possible. Of the Nile, in addition to the West-fever Sick, but not contagious to other people.