Nutrition labelling: majority is in favour of traffic light

It comes to the simple labelling of nutritional values on food packaging, prefer most of the German, the so-called Nutri-Score-traffic lights in front of the Federal government’s proposed model. A representative survey by the opinion research Institute Forsa on behalf of several medical-scientific organizations, and the consumer organization food watch found.

A total of 69 percent of the respondents therein for the light, 25 percent for the Federal food Minister, Julia Klöckner, commissioned labelling model "Guide Ernährung". The majority assessed it in comparison rather than "kompliziert" and "verwirrend".

The initiators of the survey request Klöckner well, to introduce, in their view, more consumer-friendly traffic light. "This nutritional traffic light has previously bewiesen&quot in more than 35 scientific studies of their effectiveness;, Barbara Bitzer, a spokesman for the science Alliance, THANKS and managing Director of the German Diabetes society said. Prof. Dr. Berthold Koletzko, Chairman of the nutrition Commission of the German society for child and adolescent medicine, added: "The new labelling system must be straight for the particularly malnutrition and Obesity at the population groups concerned understand."

The Forsa Institute had 1.003 selected representative consumers online examples of food shown, with the two nutritional models. The Participants should rate in a direct comparison, for example, which model is easier to understand and choose healthy food rather relieved.