With eight years of Santa Claus is a thing of the past is

The question of how long kids believe in Santa Claus, has dedicated psychologist Professor Chris Boyle from the University of Exeter. He asked people around the world to tell him how you have lost your Faith in Santa Claus, and whether the Knowledge that they are a hoax eaten, has affected the trust in their parents.

Professor Boyle received the 1,200 responses to his Exeter Santa survey, which showed that children come to their parents mostly at the bottom of this, because they make mistakes.

For example, someone had observed at the age of ten with his parents, as they have for Santa and the reindeer out gifts, even to be eaten and drunk. An 11-Year-old was woken up, because her father had gifts fall. Others have recognized the gifts that were hidden before Christmas in the apartment. Wish lists or letters to Santa, the found themselves at home again, had some robbed of the Illusion, but also secretly written messages, to the no reactions followed. Other typical blunders, in the parents: the children recognize when parents and Santa Claus have the same handwriting, find price tags on the gifts from Santa Claus or recognize the Person hidden in the Santa Claus costume.

But also teachers and sometimes children end up on the hard ground of reality: A teacher who gave up his 7-year-old students an essay about how you found out that Santa was real, is likely to have merged with the parents, then some phone calls. Also the sobering Information that no one lives at the North pole, was attentive pupil socket. Nine-year-old understand that the sled is just too small to transport the many gifts – and Santa is too thick to come through the chimney, quite apart from the fact that he would have to lead to bad burns, and reindeer can’t fly.

A mother described that she had been called to the school because her son had struck a classmates nose bleed. The had claimed that there was no Santa Claus. Your 7-year-old son was of the opinion that one should not lie, and believed a further three years to the Santa Claus.

A summary of the results from the survey shows:

  • With an average of eight years, the people cease to believe in Santa Claus.
  • 34 percent of the people would like to still believe in Santa Claus, but for 50 percent, it was not knowledge completely in order, that there is him.
  • Approximately 34 percent of the respondents Believe had not impressed on the Santa Claus influence your behavior as a child, 47 percent of the he.
  • 65 percent of people had received as children the Santa Claus myth, even though they did not know that he agreed.
  • A third of respondents were annoyed, as they realised that Santa was real. 15 percent felt that their parents tell and ten per cent were angry.
  • 56% of respondents trust in adults has not been shaken by the Santa Claus lie, at 30 per cent, this was not the case.
  • Your child is asked directly, not contested 31 percent of parents that Santa was real, 40 percent admitted it.
  • 72 percent of parents tell their children of Santa Claus, and the Rest refused to do so.