Wearing contact lenses in shower can ‘increase risk of blindness’, study claims
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A new study has found people who wear contact lenses in the shower are at higher risk of becoming blind.
It reportedly found those who wore their lenses were seven times more likely to develop an eyesight threatening infection.
In fact, the study discovered it was the most "significant risk factor" for developing contact lens-related microbial keratitis (CLMK).
Researchers at the University of Southampton conducted the study which found sleeping in lenses was also bad.
The study authors claimed those aged between 25 and 54 were most likely to be affected.
Also under half of the patients who participated suffered some form of vision loss due to an infection.
The study, reported in the Daily Telegraph, was published in the journal BMJ Open Ophthalmology.
It looked at the hygiene habits of 78 contact lens wearers, where 37 of which had suffered with CLMK while 41 hadn't.
The research reportedly discovered that showering in lenses increased the risk of the infection risk by up to three times.
But if showering each day the risk factor was said to be seven-fold.
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Meanwhile just under 50% of patients had suffered some type of vision loss, while 70% said it had impacted their life.
Parwez Hossain, associate professor of ophthalmology at the University of Southampton, said it could lead to permanent problems.
He said: "Contact lenses for visual correction offer many benefits, yet contact lens related microbial keratitis is a frequent cause of permanent visual impairment and some cases may even need a corneal transplant or lead to loss of the eye.
"Poor contact lens hygiene is a known contributor to infection, with 66% of complications attributed to poor hygiene practices."
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The professor added that it was "concerning" many people who were questioned were unsure if they were informed of the risks.
Microbial Keratitis is an infection that affects the cornea, the transparent layer at the front of the eye.
Corneal infections are commonly associated with wearing contact lenses and they range from mild to severe.
Risk factors for the condition include not washing hands, sleeping with lenses in and showering or swimming while wearing them.
- Science
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