Spreading Cheer: NICU Babies ‘Sleigh-ing It’ in Ugly Sweaters

Holiday merriment in a place often associated with trauma is part of the festivity of the winter season at Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare (TMH) in Tallahassee, Florida. As is their tradition, the nurses in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at TMH dressed up their newborn patients in holiday attire.

This year, they chose the “ugly sweater” look for the tiniest of hospital stayovers. About 20 baby photos grace the hospital’s Facebook page, starting with a Grinch baby and ending with one dressed as a candy cane. The photos are “live and full of just as much cuteness as ever,” marketing representative Morgan King told Medscape Medical News.

The Facebook post, in keeping with custom, was full of puns to keep spirits high around an otherwise stressful environment. For starters: “There’s snow way we would miss our favorite holiday tradition! This year, our NICU babies are sleigh-ing it in their ugly Christmas sweaters.”

An explanation beside the Grinch photo stated: “These NICU babies are so cute, they made our hearts grow three sizes.” Another photo joked: “What’s a snowman’s favorite hot drink? Frost-tea.” And aside a baby sporting a Christmas-tree costume: “We hope these babies really light up your day.”

The post continued, “Thank you to our incredible NICU team who always go above and beyond to make the holidays special for our NICU families. The sweaters were hand-made by our NICU team to help these little cuties and their families get in the holiday spirit.”

The parents of all babies pictured consented to their children being dressed up and photographed, the post further clarified.

Earlier this year, NICU nurses took to Facebook with festive Halloween costumes for the babies under their care in a post that went viral, attracting national headlines.

TMH has the only NICU and high-risk labor and delivery unit in the region, King said. “In addition to providing sick and premature babies the highest level of specialized care, our team works to make the NICU environment as comfortable as possible for our babies and families,” she said.

“Having a baby in the NICU can be unexpected and challenging for families, making the holidays feel less merry. Bringing the festive fun to these little ones and their parents through this annual tradition is just one of the many ways our team works to normalize the NICU environment and make an uncertain time special for families. Our crafty NICU night team created the sweaters and our day team helped bring their visions to life.”

Among the comments under the post, one visitor shared: “Praying for these special little ones and their families! They are rocking the sweaters!”

The post ended with a disclaimer to use caution with fragile little ones. “Please remember, you should always place your little ones on their backs to sleep, with nothing else in the crib. These NICU babies have special circumstances and are monitored 24/7 by our skilled nursing team.”

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