Low Carb, fat burners, fasting: diet strategies in the comparison, which can actually help you lose weight?

Tops and Flops: tips and methods for weight reduction

The a want to do something for your figure, for other health reasons are more in the foreground: Who wants to lose weight, there are plenty of tips and methods that can contribute to weight reduction. Consumer advocates have several of them taken more exactly under the magnifying glass and advise you of some.

Unhealthy Overweight

If you consider that Overweight or obesity can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure and an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, there are indeed plenty of reasons to get rid of excess pounds. Anyone who wants to lose weight, there are plenty of tips and methods that will help to lose weight. The consumer advice centre of Hesse has some of them taken more exactly under the magnifying glass.

Miracle cure to help you lose weight

“A few extra pounds to purchase is easy – it’s not,” says Wiebke Franz, a nutrition expert with the consumer Central Hesse in a statement.

“A lot of diets and slimming products promise quick results, are not able to keep this promise, but often are not even dangerous,” says the expert.

So, for example, promised in the advertising of so-called “fat burners” true miracles: “lose weight without exercise – eat and lose weight!”

A product is touted as should the shrill alarm bells. Often these supplements just in the Internet to Remove with dangerous and banned substances.

But also for harmless substances is not yet been proven that you lose with their help, a lot of weight. The consumer advocates advise to pass on “fat burner”, and in particular products from unsafe sources on the Internet.

At the dinner abandon

Under decreasing also the advice not to eat after 18 o’clock nothing more, widely used is willing.

This is due to the fact that, in a night phase, without food intake, the blood glucose level decreases, as a result, less Insulin and thus fat from fat deposits to be mobilized.

However, the total calorie intake is the bottom line about 24 hours is crucial. Can lose weight only if you consume more energy than it supplies.

Interval fasting is a growing Trend,

Eight hours of feasting, and for the following 16 hours of starvation? Or rather, two whole days of fasting and the Rest of the week without remorse.

The advantage of the interval of fasting should be that it brings little change to everyday life. After all, who eats five days as usual and only two little and low in calories, can still perceive invitations, or go out to eat.

Comparisons with other diets show that interval fasting help with weight loss.

To eat the “still, Five days, what, and how much you like to do, is only useful if you make overall, the food selection is healthier,” says Franz.

Less carbohydrates – less fat

When it comes to the methods to successful weight loss, is often highlighted in the Low-Carb diet.

In studies it has been shown that diets that reduce carbohydrates, certainly help you lose weight. According to the consumer advocates can be achieved in the long term, the same successes, if you reduce the consumption of fats.

But be careful: Who can keep dispensed largely or completely on carbs, this duration is difficult. The result: The pounds come back with the old eating habits quickly.

Significantly less white bread, pastries, Snacks and sweets and more vegetables, products made from whole grains and protein rich foods to consume, it can help to keep losing weight and the new weight.

Fat – or sugar-reduced foods are not automatically low in calories

The consumer explained Central, are not fat – or sugar-reduced food is automatically low in calories.

You need to contain compared to regular foods of the same category only, at least 30 percent less sugar or fat.

The manufacturer is replacing the omitted nutrient is usually due to other ingredients which often provide power, or flavors, of Sweet and fillers.

“Did you know that many in the adoption, fewer calories, upon the supposed light product access stronger?” Franz asks.

“Instead rely on the natural lightweight such as jacket potatoes instead of French fries. Then you eat without the need for expensive specialty products, fewer calories.“ (ad)