How to live longer: A health drink known for its anti-cancer properties to boost longevity

Staying healthy and prolonging your life span takes a lifelong commitment. A person has to be committed to a healthy lifestyle which would mean adhering to a balanced diet and regular exercise. Sipping on a certain beverage has been proven to reduce the risk of cancer and boost longevity.

Turmeric is known for its powerful health benefits. It has been used for its healing properties for centuries.

Turmeric is mostly known for its anti-inflammatory properties which means adding the spice will not only help with the inflammation that one can see, like swelling and rashes, but also with inflammation that takes place inside the body, like leaky gut syndrome.

It is also a natural painkiller, a metabolism booster, an antidepressant, and an immune system booster.

Turmeric also helps to clear the skin and reduce the risk of cancer and certain types of diabetes.

Kombucha is a type of fermented tea that is a great source of organic acids, B vitamins, and various strains of probiotics and is a wonderful addition to the diet to help boost longevity.

To make kombucha start with a sweetened tea, and over time the starter culture (made of yeasts and bacteria) consumes the sugar and caffeine and turns it into a low-sugar, fizzy probiotic beverage.

The drink is something that can be purchased at the store but can quite easily be made at home too.

By combining both turmeric and kombucha you will get a health drink packed with powerful ingredients to help boost longevity.

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In a study published in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, antiproliferative and antimicrobial activity of kombucha was investigated.

The study noted: “Consuming Kombuchas had the most expressive antimicrobial activity against all investigated bacteria.” 

In test-tube studies, kombucha helped prevent the growth and spread of cancerous cells due to its high concentration of tea polyphenols and antioxidants.

With plenty of research done on kombucha, it’s been suggested the drink has anti-cancer properties and can be used to help boost longevity.

Numerous studies have suggested that turmeric tonic kombucha has broad anti-inflammatory and other anti-cancer benefits.

An island nation hailed for having one of the world’s longest average lifespan of a staggering 81.2 years are big fans of turmeric drinks.

Okinawans are said to drink copious quantities of the beverage and could suggest their drinking habit could influence their life longevity.

Turmeric and curcumin are known to help with reducing cardiovascular complications, prevent and treat cancers and help prevent type 2 diabetes.

To make the health drink you will need a wide-mouth container and a sanitized dish towel, as well as a large rubber band to secure it to the top of your container.

It’s important to read the instructions to make turmeric tonic kombucha carefully as the drink will require a set amount of time.

For increased health benefits it’s been advised to add both green tea and ginger for a delicious drink to boost your longevity.

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