Diet study: hazelnuts as a natural dietary Supplement
Daily 60 Grams Hazelnuts
32 subjects from the age of 55 years, ate for four months every day, 60 grams of hazelnuts. Then the scientists measured their Vitamin and Mineral levels. Conclusion: Vitamin E and Magnesium were significantly increased.
Magnesium deficiency
A lack of magnesium is uncomfortable. The muscles twitching, the intestines revolted with diarrhea and constipation alternating. The heart races, the head hurts. The Affected person will be dizzy, you feel tired and are pushed inwardly.
Vitamin deficiency
Also a Vitamin E deficiency is a serious matter. He usually begins with nonspecific symptoms: The concentration decreases, the Affected are sleepy, your performance, and you feel a headache or have diarrhea.
Long-term consequences
The lack of stops, the skin becomes dry, and wounds heal poorly. Infections are becoming more frequent. At duration, the muscles starting to build. The motor function is disturbed, the reflexes slow down. The retina the disease. Inside the cells to disintegrate faster.
Why Old?
The advanced age of the Participants has a good reason: Especially the elderly suffer from diseases as a result of a lack of Magnesium. Many diseases that occur especially in old age, are also linked to a lack of Magnesium (and a lack of other minerals).
Blood sugar drops
In the case of the Participants in the blood also decreased sugar level and the Level of LDL-cholesterol.
Copper, manganese and unsaturated fats
Hazelnuts offer even more vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin B 6, Beta-carotene, folic acid and Vitamin C, copper, manganese, and healthy fats (oil). Added to this are iron, potassium, zinc and Calcium.
Calorie bomb
But Be Careful. Confuse the wealth of minerals and vitamins, not diet food. Hazelnuts have 644 calories per 100 grams. Healthy or not, if you consume more calories than you consume – then you have to take.
In Germany, the hazelnut in the garden grows, the edge of the forest, in hedgerows, in the sun and semi-shade. Our hazelnuts at the supermarket come from Turkey, Italy and the U.S. state of Oregon, in the study in question took place. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)