To avoid the summer flu

Also in the summer when it’s hot you can erk&auml be;selected as the winner. You can read here, where üeverywhere Erkäswitching viruses lurk, and what Maßthey took a summer flu k&ouml prevent;can

Small refreshment gefädigit? But beware: From a Unterkümisconduct can also Erkäcold!

Anyone who thinks 30 degrees in the shade on a Erkäcold? Schließthis has what to do with Käto do lte. Nevertheless, 20 percent of all F&auml occur;lle is not in the fall or Winter, but in the warm Season.

"Also in the case of the so-called summer flu, is an infection with viruses, the Tröpfchen when you Sneeze, cough or Speak ütransferred werden", Professor Matthias Stoll, an immunologist at the Medi&shy says;­medical school of Hannover. "And since in contact with erkälteten persons risk of Contagion, and apply in the summer, the same hygiene rules as in the Winter."

At high temperatures, these disease pathogens, while poorer Ver­brei­sighting opportunities. If, however, air conditioning systems, drafts, Nässe or icy Getränke, the temperature of the Schleimhäute sinks, these are poorly supplied with blood, what is the non-specific immune defense schwä. "Microbes penetrate more easily in the Schleimhaut­cells ein", erklärt Stoll.

The subjective Perception könne in this context, täcartridges: "Frösteln and cold Füße are not the cause of the Erkäcold, but the first Symptom of the infection." But who weiß, where the typical Kältefallen lurk, improved his chances for a carefree summer.

With these tips, you prevent the summer flu

Protection from air-conditioning systems: a Lot of drinking and a light jacket

The Geräte are not only due to the Kälte is problematic: they deprive the air of moisture, dry the Nasenschleimhäute from and anfädigit für Krankheits­pathogens. "Außbesides, they only work when the Windows are closed. There is no exchange of air statt&quot place;, erklärt immunologist Stoll. "So köcan Erkältungs­viruses spread easily."

Außerdem prepare größEUA differences between the Inner and Außduck temperature of the Köbody significant adjustment difficulties. Especially in the case of schweißwet skin küout of the hlt it quickly. A degree of protection against the Kälteschock in Supermämarkets or öpublic Gebäuden offer light Jackets or sweaters. Because of the dry air Healthy air-conditioned R&auml should;trees two to three litres a day drink.

Unterkümisconduct by drafts möas far as possible avoid

A light breeze through open window and Türen, fans or the Gebläse in the car, we feel that at high temperatures than pleasant. However, by continuing the K&ouml drafts;the body quickly unterkühlt. Then, the temperature in the pharyngeal mucous membrane falls skin. It dries out and büßt your immune function. Previously recorded viruses have an easy game.

"In the case of local air currents on the muscles köcan also painful tension auftreten", expert, Stoll says. Therefore, you should let the fans only for a short time and in sufficient großem distance. What you should do in the car sweating with the window open or the air conditioning turn up the volume and the Lüan air blow. 

Sweaty clothes as soon as möpossible change

In the summer of even slight k&ouml be;rper­available Aktivitäth quickly to a schweiß­driving matter. Sweating is healthy and regulates the Körper­temperature. However, in the damp clothes küfrom the hlt to quickly. Therefore, the things as soon as möresembled change and the Sport will always have something to Um­pull mit­.

­Functional clothing made of Poly­ester or ­Poly­propylene ­suitable for heat üby the way, better than ­Cotton: of synthetic fibers transpor­animals the Schweiß away from the skin, so that he is on the Außinside of the arm of the Kleidungsstücks ver­can evaporates. Cotton ­saves the moisture, sticks like a cold layer on the Köbody and reduces the Haut­temperature. 

After the bath dry off and change clothes

A jump in the cold water brings the best Abkümisconduct. The soft but it should not take long: Shaking and blue lips are the first signs of a ­­Unterkümisconduct, the Erkäswitching viruses Tür and gate öopened. After Swimming or splashing about equal to dry off and change. "Wet Bade­clothes erhöht also ­Risk of Harnwegs­infekten", warns Stoll, "especially because the auslösend Bakte­rien moisture very wohlfümiss."

Cold Getränke schwäthe immune power of the oral mucosa

Eisgekümissed Getränke verheißen a soothing refreshment. "Who also like to Eiswücubes suck, the oral mucosa as strong herunterküselect, that your defences against pathogens verliert", says Stoll. He rät therefore, to Eiswüto abandon the cube and only slightly Geküdrinking is accomplished by comparing the – best to just gulp. Ice-Cold Getränke rain außbesides, the Durch­­bleeding, so that a fortiori heiß . 

Jacket, Sweater, socks: On temperature fall, be prepared

Especially in the Frühsommer or fall can vary the temperature significantly. After a Thunderstorm or after Sonnen­sinking it is sometimes quickly ungemüknowingly cold. Therefore, in the case of Ausflügen, grill parties, or in the beer garden, always a Sweater and warm socks.  

If the summer flu but has caught

Scraping in the throat, tingling in the nose, Frösteln, head -, and limb pain: The symptoms of the summer flu are no different from those of a Erkäcold in the Winter. Thus, the immune system, the virus bekäcan fight, especially alone.

If there is no severe heart disease or kidney disease it, you should täpossible two to three liters of water or Kräutertee drink. The Schleimh&auml moistened;ute and is like Flüssig­keits­losses from. Erkäswitching funds from the pharmacy to relieve the läother symptoms. You can advise!

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Erkädesigned, despite the wonderful weather – also in the warm Season l&auml threaten;stige infections. Drafts and air conditioners. Consistent prevention can help