Tick bite, and now? What you should do – and what not

Sprays, long stockings and pants: Against ticks there are many defensive measures, but a hundred percent protection against the creepy crawlies, there is not. Tick bite especially fond of Places that are available for the people hard-to -: back of knees, armpits, between the toes. After a picnic on the Lawn or a walk in the woods, it is therefore particularly important to thoroughly search – directly after the trip to the Green and again a few hours later. The reason: ticks stinging usually not immediately, but crawling around, sometimes for several hours on the body.

But what if a tick already has sucked? It is important to remove the tick quickly. So the risk to infect with pathogens of Lyme disease is reduced. The bacteria will not be transferred – other than the TBE-Virus immediately. After about 24 to 30 hours, the Lyme disease pathogen is a tick saliva into the blood.

To Remove the tick there are various tools:

If no resource is available, ticks in case of emergency, also with the finger nails to pull. The animal should not be pushed to the way but with the fingers together, so pathogens from the tick can be pressed into the body.

The puncture site can be disinfected in the connection. A part of the tick, it should have remained stuck in the skin, it can be in connection of a doctor. A retarded tick proboscis can lead to small inflammation, it is often harmless.

Fingers away from glue and Oil

Previously, it was often the case, the tick can be killed with nail Polish, glue, toothpaste, Oil or alcohol. These tips will damage more than you use, since it can take a long time, until the animal dies. In the meantime, the risk of infection increases.

With the successful Removal of the treatment of a tick bite is not completed yet. The injection site should be monitored in the coming weeks. The skin should redden all around the trick in a ring, is a visit to the doctor is required. The so-called wall redness is a sign of Lyme disease. Also, the flu can be a sign of pain-like symptoms such as fever and joint infection, and should be clarified. These symptoms occur after one to two weeks after the bite, this may indicate a TBE-infection.

The tick-borne encephalitis, short TBE, is caused by a virus. Vectors are ticks, however, mainly in the South of Germany is affected. The RKI published annually areas of a map with the risk. Against TBE is vaccination recommended for risk groups like forestry workers.

Source: Institute for quality and efficiency in health care (IQWiG)

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