Landmark study: Human brain can learn in deep sleep things

The person can self-learn in deep sleep. Swiss researchers have shown that people can absorb complex information, such as words and meanings in your sleep and unconsciously in the waking state.

They published their results in the journal “Current Biology”. The Chairman of the German society for sleep research and sleep medicine, Peter Young, speaks of a “pioneering study”. “This is a new Dimension to the understanding of sleep,” he told the German press Agency. The researchers have shown that the brain could learn in their sleep, without consciousness, associative things.

Sleep sound in the end of the study with fancy words

Psychology Professor Katharina Henke and her colleagues Marc Züst, and Simon Ruch University of Bern have to fill 41 Sleeping through the headphones several times with fancy words, which you attach different meanings. A person heard about “Guga – bird”, another “Guga – elephant”. After Waking up, you were asked: is Guga, a large or small object, it fits in a Shoe box or not?

If the second word of the word pair arrived in a particular phase of sleep in humans, identified the subjects after Waking up 60 percent of the fantasy words correctly when something Large or Small, as they had heard it in his sleep. It was important to meet the “Up-state” phase of sleep. These are phases in which all brain cells are active together. You only take half a second and alternate with passive phases (“Down-State”) without activity. The Phase In which the brain is currently located, with an EEG device, which measures the electrical activity of the brain.

The man can also learn in the unconscious state

Memory formation is, therefore, both in the conscious as well as unconscious state, possible, said co-author Züst of the dpa. “We wanted to show that you can learn in unconscious condition.” This, however, cannot be the recommendation is derived, can generally be at night with information about sprinkle in the hope that something will remain hanging. Finally, you do not know, whether this could not also have unintended consequences. Henke, however, sees a possible application for people with learning difficulties. The findings could lead possibly to a two-stage learning procedure: once the unconscious recording in the sleep by sound with specific learning content, enhanced by the Learning of the same content in the awake state. Sleep researchers Young looks at possible areas of application in Rehabilitation after illness or accidents.

“The study shows once again the importance of sleep for Learning,” said Young. It was known that sleep contributes to learning consolidation, i.e. the consolidation of the previously Learned. “Anyone who plays in the evening, the flute, the piece often in the morning better because of the learning effect for a good night’s sleep is consolidated,” he said. Without consciousness in the deep sleep associations to take place, is not new.