Troponin levels: quick test frs heart
In a health Check-up für legally from 35 blood are measured Insured pressure and cholesterol levels. Küin the future köcould also be the analysis of certain Herzeiweiße, Troponins, will be included in this study. Some fü hope at least;leading cardiologists.
Currently, troponin tests should be performed, especially in emergency facilities für people with plösuddenly occurring chest pain. Because in the case of a heart attack, the heart continues this Eiweiße into the blood. The Tests contribute to the diagnosis in – also of Infarction, where the heart of the current curve is not morbidly veräis changed. Läno erhö sst, however,;hter troponin level detected in the blood, saith the für is a cause of Pain that has nothing to do with the heart.
Using stubbornness for success
Professor Hugo Katus has developed already in 1987, the first troponin test and refined the Nachweismethods then üabout a long period of time, to even the smallest Eiweißquantities in the blood verläterrible aufzuspüren. Since 2002, Katus, Director of the clinic für cardiology, angiology and pneumology at the University hospital of Heidelberg, Germany, and since April of this year, in addition PräPresident of the German society für cardiology.
"You need a certain amount of stubbornness, if you want to explore something New and to have success will", the cardiologist recognized in the balance sheet. Because there were times in which his goal, "with Troponin as a Biomarker of the infarct-diagnostics to verbessern", to fail threatened. As the company that financed his project, quit the project, he made more, until better data the lender überzeugten, re-join. Katus is involved in the Patent, the company, the property rights of the test schützt.
Targeted infarction treatment by rapid Test
In the meantime, several highly sensitive troponin tests are available on the market, which is already a few billionths of a gram of Troponin per Liter of blood aufspüren. Since 2011, a medical guideline recommends this method of investigation. Already längst zählt diagnostics, Routine infarction. "Many patients köcan now faster in a targeted werden" treated;, Dr. Christoph Liebetrau, chief physician of the cardiac catheter laboratory at the Kerckhoff-Klinik in Bad Nauheim will be happy.
You have to help the Äto decide whether to entwarnen a patient and sent home, &ndash can doctors; or if it is with a catheter to investigate and narrowed Herzkranzgefäße must dilate in order for blood through the Gefäß fließt and the affected tissue with oxygen and Nährstoffen supplies.
However, the highly sensitive Tests are useful may für other applications. "Always, if the heart Stress suffers erhöthe Troponinspiegel" ht be;, erklärt Liebetrau. Wäwhile he rises in Attacks quickly and a few hours to days später again fällt, in the case of some other diseases typical stä way;fully über of the Norm.
In the case of pulmonary embolism recommended
Demonstrated that is fü, for example,;r Herzschwäche, chronic Vorhoffibrillation, valvular heart disease, pulmonary hypertension, and für Lungenembolism, where a blood clot is a Gefäß in the respiratory organ is clogged. Liebetrau: "Here, one measures the troponin level, to determine whether the embolism of a Üan overload condition of the heart geführt has."
This helps the doctor, for example, together with an ultrasonic Investigation of the Pumporgans, the Severity of the disease better abzuschäto protect you and to decide which therapy is necessary – about a medikamentöse lysis, the clots aufzulösen. Wäwhile medimedical professional societies in Lungenembolism highly sensitive troponin tests recommend, is still investigating whether these analyses Herzschwäche and further also Suffer nüsupport.
Problems of the heart früh recognize
Other studies have shown that the troponin determination be womöpossible to Früdetection of heart problems is – because the fabric already verächange and small amounts of Eiweißit releases long before complaints and großen Schäthe. Troponin tests köcould Ädoctors so womöpossible küin the future, help to get a first impression of the cardiac health of a patient.