The disease is in a majority of cases, easy to part, even without symptoms
Prof. Schmidt-Chanasit, in Germany, there is a first Coronavirus case: A 33-year-old man who has a colleague from China. Are you surprised?
No, not at all. That it would individual cases, in Germany, was to be expected. We are currently very satisfied with the end: The case was diagnosed in the wind, and the Patient isolated. This shows how well we are prepared in Germany to such cases.
The Patient is currently on treatment in a clinic in Munich. What happens next?
The Patient is not apparently ill. The Doctors examine how long the Virus in the body fluids evidence. This is very important information, also for any possible further cases of the disease. The Virus is no longer detectable and the Patient is healthy, he will be dismissed again.
There are other measures, also in the environment of the patient?
Yes, of course. It is important to know to whom the Patient has contact. Any contact persons must be observed. And as soon as you show symptoms or become ill, you need to be on the pathogens tested. The disease is the normal procedure for infectious.
Now, on the basis of the patients in Munich to expect a further spread of the pathogen?
No, an outbreak is not to be expected, because the case has been detected and diagnosed. Contact persons to be examined and observed. Thus, all important measures are taken. That’s about it. In this respect, you need not Worry.
How to spread the pathogen?
Suspected Virus
Coronavirus in Germany: when should I let me on the excitation test?
As the main risk to Ill, the cough and the pathogens via droplet infection transmitted to other people. It is unclear currently, how well the pathogen can also be due to asymptomatic Infected transmitted by people who have no symptoms, or are still in the incubation period. Here we are waiting for more information and inquiries. As of today it’s not looks, but then, as if that is a common route of Transmission. We go to of Patients as the main risk.
In Germany, too cold to circulate currently, and flu viruses that can cause similar symptoms, such as the Coronavirus, especially fever and cough. What to do in case of suspicion?
There is on the part of the Robert-Koch-Institute clear guidelines as to who should be tested. These are people with an acute infection of the lower respiratory tract, have been recently in a high-risk area, such as Wuhan in China. Or people with cough who have had contact with a Diseased. All other Patients would be routinely tested first on the normal seasonal flu. It is – as of today – just extremely unlikely that someone who was never in China, and no contact with Diseased from China had could have been infected with this novel Virus.
How is the disease in the majority of cases?
According to the latest findings, the disease is in a majority of cases easily, i.e. without having symptoms or only very mild symptoms. The colleagues in China told us that many of these slight gradients heal relatively quickly, within a week, so they are often not diagnosed or noted. This seems to be the most common response. In very few cases, it comes to serious, sometimes deadly curves. This is, however, especially in older patients with pre-existing conditions of the case.
Protection measures for people in this country make sense?
The current Situation requires no further action. But surely, on the basis of the currently circulating influenza viruses, there are some fundamental hygiene measures that are useful: regularly wash your hands, in the crook of one arm, coughing and sneezing of the Diseased and not by Hand touch the face.
And Respiratory Protection Masks?
I’ve read that it should now be a run on surgical face masks – I personally find exaggerated. In Asian countries you can see these masks in the public space more frequently. In Germany, this is rather unusual. But surely, this decision must be taken by each for himself. Who has the masks feel better and more secure feel, can you wear, that is also fine. You will not damage per se. But of course, these masks are a certain burden on you to in the course of the day, from the inside and need to be replaced as often. If you use the right filter masks with a higher level of protection – the so-called FFP3 masks – it is really hard, because to take a deep breath. The are air tight and you can only breathe through a small Filter similar to a gas mask.
Thin, surgical masks to use anything at all?
Basically, if limited. A hundred % protection, there is never. Viruses can also, for example, on the mucous membrane of the eyes, skin enter the body, for example, if one is coughing of a Diseased directly. Who wants to wear a mask, you should set up properly, otherwise it is largely useless. That is to say: The mask over the nose and correct sealing at the face start. Personally, I still wear a mask.