Also Diabetic must Snacking
People with Diabetes are allowed to eat almost anything – a diabetes diet is considered to be obsolete. Special diabetic products or sugar substitutes you can ignore, regardless of whether you have Diabetes type 1 or type 2. It is only important that you eat healthy and balanced.
In your diet should be as Healthy a lot of vegetables and salad. Also fruit and wholemeal products, lean meats and low-fat fish should not be missing. Then the body gets all the essential nutrients he needs.
Sugar, patients can eat normally when you inject Insulin or tablets are substances with a so-called a sulphonylurea, or Gliniden take. However, should pay attention to how many carbohydrates are in your food, the dose of medication and the consumption of sugar to match.
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The blood sugar level, keep an eye on
Include foods that raise your blood sugar level rise, all of the food from cereals such as bread, pasta, cakes and pastries as well as fruit, milk and yogurt. Fat, protein, and fibers have no influence on the blood sugar.
Carbohydrates are the fuel for the body: they provide the sugar that the cells need to live. This applies to people with Diabetes as well as Healthy. But there are different types of carbohydrates will be quickly broken down by the body.
Simple and complex carbohydrates
Carbohydrates that are stuck in full-grain, rice, or potatoes, are nothing more than long, flavor-neutral sugar chains. Enzymes in the body break these chains into their individual parts. And because it takes some time, these sugar molecules are only peu à peu into the blood. Consequently, the blood sugar level only slowly.
Budget-, malt -, and milk sugar, however, must be disassembled not long, they disintegrate more quickly to glucose. The sugar molecules then slip literally through the intestinal wall into the blood, the blood sugar level is skyrocketing. Those sugar molecules are not stuck only in sweets, sodas, or fruit juices, but also milk, butter milk and yoghurt because of the milk sugar. A glass of milk or a small yogurt, increase blood sugar levels as well as half a slice of rye bread or an Apple.
Fruit tastes good and supplies the body with important vitamins and fiber. All varieties contain sugar substances that cause the blood sugar to rise significantly. This also applies to fruits that do not taste sweet, such as Grapefruits. How much fruit you may eat, you can recognize on the basis of their urinary sugar, or blood glucose measurements.
Carbohydrates and bread units
Foods such as whole-grain bread or potatoes are healthy, but contain also carbohydrates in the Form of starch, which the body converts into glucose. This glucose goes directly into the blood and increases the level of sugar tremendously. If you inject Insulin, you should in starch rich foods, therefore, always to ask how many carbohydrate units (KE) or bread units (BE) are included.
Carbohydrates and bread units are just two different names for one and the same thing: Both units are the same as ten to twelve grams of carbohydrates. How much sugar and how much starch in a food stuck in food tables. To almost all of the important foods are listed along with their quantity of sugar in KE or BE.
Vegetables you can eat without restriction – apart from strength save such as potatoes and sweet corn. All other vegetables not influence the sugar content in the blood. Fruit contains sugar, however, apples, pears and co. the blood sugar value is not so rapidly fast, like potatoes.
Cakes and Sweets in moderation allowed
Experts recommend that about half of the calories from carbohydrate should be-rich foods. That is to say: A piece of cake or some chocolate you do not need to hold always. It is only important to conserve. As a General rule: The more fat contains a candy, the calorie-rich it is, but the slower the blood sugar increases. The sweeter the food is, the more Insulin the body needs.
Look for it in your training book: There is exactly what foods such as a lot of carbohydrate or bread units. A KE or in each case corresponds to 10 to 12 grams of sugar. So many sugar, substances are contained, for example, in a half a slice of rye bread, a slice of Toast, half a banana, an Apple, a small potato or two slices of crisp bread.
Tips for Obese
Most people with type 2 Diabetes are overweight. The more you weigh, the worse the cells react to the hormone Insulin and the more sugar in the blood. Losing weight is therefore an important therapy in diabetes.
Most harmful of too much belly fat. But also fat in other Places of the body can make sugar sick, because these fat cells produce numerous neurotransmitters, which can affect the brain and thereby to the metabolic change.
Losing weight is a top priority
Because Obesity, Diabetes or the disease worsens, should people with diabetes be careful not to more gain: Too many calories to the already battered metabolism, only stronger. In addition, you can get in addition to the level of sugar also the fat metabolism is messed up and the blood pressure to rise.
Nutrition experts recommend who are overweight, Diabetic, therefore, is to take less fat and alcohol. Basically, you should save so many calories that you lose weight. A lot of movement supports this project.
It is advisable to use a diet plan, for example, with the support of the treating physician or a diabetes consultant. In addition, diabetes centers, community colleges, or consumers to provide centralized training.
Fish and meat
A delicate fish fillet or a piece of lean meat can eat people with Diabetes without hesitation. Because protein is healthy, and proteins do not affect the blood sugar content. However, egg whites work for the kidneys means. When Healthy, this is not a Problem. But at ten percent of the Diabetic, the renal function is disturbed. You should eat meat and fish, cottage cheese, and cheese only in moderation.
You are one of these ten percent, you should be especially careful. You professionals recommend no more than 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight a day. For an 80 kilogram adult, the 64 grams were protein a day. Which are contained in 500 grams of skimmed curd or 300 grams of filet of beef.
Your kidneys are attacked already so strong that you have to go to dialysis, you need more proteins, because of the blood wash, the body loses protein. Experts advise in these cases to consume 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. For the 80-pound adult in the example above that would be every day 96 grams.
The effect of fat
The blood sugar level, the fat will not increase. Foods that contain fat and sugar, the blood sugar level even slower to rise. However, too much fat and alcohol have a negative effect on the body weight, what is especially in people with type 2 Diabetes a disadvantage.
Who is not too thick, not only risk that the Diabetes is getting worse. Obesity can also be responsible for hypertension, heart attack, or stroke. Therefore, you should avoid very oily food and instead your food plan, re-make: Instead of Sausage or meatloaf more often poultry could come to the table, and the salad you do not need to mixing with Mayonnaise or cream, but with a teaspoon of vegetable oil or yogurt and vinegar. This is healthier and also tastes. And take advantage of the Aroma of fresh herbs and spices. This brings a lot of flavor to food and has no calories.
Alcohol in moderation
Just because you have Diabetes, you do not need to remain permanently abstinent. Once in a while you may treat yourself to a glass of alcohol – provided that they are otherwise healthy. Against a glass, or two glasses of beer, dry wine or champagne is fine. Of sweet liqueurs and sparkling wines, you should refrain, however. Also if you inject Insulin or tablets with a sulphonylurea oral, can you drink alcohol and everything, what you like: beer, champagne, Rosé, Sherry, brandy or Cocktails.
Because for a Diabetic, the same as for Healthy is medically seen To be particularly cautious recommendations, women should drink about ten grams of pure alcohol a day, men up to twenty grams. For comparison, A 0.3-Liter bottle of beer contains about 13 grams of pure alcohol; in a small glass (125 milliliters) of red wine is around 12 grams.
Too much to drink and danced? Cracker help
Enjoy alcohol Wisely, because it puts a strain on the liver. If you drink too much, the body no strength, out of his Store more sugar into the blood to give. The fabric is missing, however, threatens them with a Hypo. This can also happen if you go for example dancing. You will give your body additional carbohydrates, in the Form of salt bars, or crackers, and you have to control your blood sugar. Even better is to eat well the evening before you go to the next Festival.
If you have type 2 Diabetes and are overweight, you should always have in mind that alcohol has almost as many calories as fat. A 0.3-Liter bottle of beer brings with it, for example, to 129 calories.
Be careful with the salt
Too much or too little salt will not affect the Diabetes. Nevertheless, you should deal sparingly with salt, if you are obese and have type 2 Diabetes. Because Overweight people often suffer also from hypertension and salt aggravated the Problem in some people.
Why this is so, know, researchers are still not exactly. Sure is, that brings the adrenal hormone aldosterone in the kidney, sodium, together with water from the urine back into the blood. Who has too much aldosterone, developed high blood pressure. Often, an increased calcium content in the cells. This, in turn, leads to the muscles that surround the artery walls, stronger together than usual. As a result, the blood tracks are narrower, the pressure increases.
Scientific studies have shown that blood pressure decreases when there is less salt in the body. Then also the effect of so-called Anti-hypertensive agents is improved. The are drugs that lower blood pressure. Anyone who has high blood pressure and on salt saves, and thus requires less medication.
Herbs bring flavor
This does not mean, conversely, that you are allowed to take only bland flavored food. Nutrition experts advise moderation as to the waiver. As a rule of thumb: More than six grams of salt a day should not be. This is true for Healthy and Diabetic alike.
Often it’s enough simply to avoid processed food, because frozen food, finished products and Fast Food contain a lot of hidden salts. To prepare you prefer to eat it fresh, and season it instead with more salt with fresh herbs and spices. Most important, it would be to take however. A few pounds reduce blood pressure more effectively than any salt-free food.