More than 1000 Infected: Coronavirus spreads in Moscow rapidly

Coronavirus outbreak in Germany: 397 people have already died, 54.212 are infected with the Coronavirus. Worldwide more than 500,000 cases were registered. Meanwhile, the US experienced with over 115.500 cases, most of the Corona cases worldwide. All the information about the Corona-crisis you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

In the Russian capital, Moscow, the number of confirmed Corona-infections is increasing rapidly. More than 1000 people have been infected with the highly contagious Virus, said mayor Sergei Sobyanin on Sunday. “The Situation in the context of the spread has reached a new extent.” Most of the Corona cases in Russia go to the metropolis of Moscow. Nationwide, more than 1500 cases have been known.

In Moscow, the Virus had been detected so far, with six deaths of people informed the authorities of the Agency Interfax according to. “Please be careful”, said Sobyanin. Among the Infected also 13 children.

In order to limit spread, since Saturday, shopping centres, Restaurants, Bars and major Parks, closed. “The majority of Muscovites have also listened to the recommendations of the authorities and stayed home,” said the mayor. In metros, buses, trains and taxis considerably less driving would have been sitting guests than usual.

Nevertheless, a lot of people were on the road, without keeping a sufficient distance. Others may have been taken outside with friends, so Sobyanin. Also, about 20 percent of Muscovites over the age of 65 years had left contrary to the conditions of your apartment. Sobyanin has relied on cell phone data. “My Love, you are in danger.”


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