HEALTH NOTES: Eat greens… and baby will too!

HEALTH NOTES: Eat greens… and baby will too! Pregnant women who feast on vegetables and salads will have children who enjoy their five a day

  • French researchers found babies reacted to the smells of foods in the womb
  • Also, new born babies can acquire a taste for foods through breast milk
  • Women are advised to eat leafy greens, green peppers and Brussels sprouts 

Pregnant women have been urged to eat their greens ahead of the arrival of their child to give them a taste for vegetables and salads

It’s an age-old problem for parents – how do you get your children to eat their greens?

The answer could be for mums to eat plenty during pregnancy so that your little ones get used to vegetables before they’re even born.

A new study found that pregnant women who ate a diet rich in green vegetables such as leafy greens, green peppers, peas and Brussels sprouts had babies who enjoyed them too.

The preference is not just down to children copying mothers’ behaviours. 

The effect was seen in newborn babies, who are not yet conscious of mothers’ eating habits. The French researchers say the explanation lies in the odours of certain foods.

It’s thought that smells transmitted through the placenta and breast milk both before birth and in the first few months of life desensitise the child to the new flavour, increasing the chances they will like the food.

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We all use smartphones and watches to keep track of exercise routines – but now there’s a walking stick that can do it too. The newly developed £100 Smart Cane monitors movement of people who use walking aids. The device, created by scientists at the University of Malaga in Spain, is also designed to provide health professionals with details of poor posture.

The gadget is equipped with two pressure sensors, powered via Bluetooth, which track the direction of body weight. This tells a medical professional which muscles, tendons and bones are being used. The data is then sent to a paired computer that can be accessed by doctors or carers.

The Smart Cane tracks several step parameters, giving a more detailed picture of the effects of physical activity on the entire body.

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