COVID-19: kidney values give a view on the progression of the disease – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Kidney values, can tell the history of a COVID-19-disease previously

At the beginning of the pandemic, the novel Coronavirus SARS designated CoV-2, often as a respiratory virus. But in the meantime, scientific studies have shown that it is the causative agent of a “multi-organ virus” that affects many organs, including the kidneys. According to experts, the kidney values may also serve as a Seismograph for the course of a COVID-19-disease.

Such as the German society for Nephrology e. V. (DGfN) writes in a recent communication, presented a last week in the journal “The Lancet” published “Correspondence” of the first data-supported hypothesis, that a simple kidney parameters can tell the history of a COVID-19-disease before.

Hope on the results of the second wave of Infection

According to the DGfN has already initiated a study on the validation of these first data. This knowledge would also have a therapeutic consequence and could target patients COVID-19-high risk and patients with a prophylactic treatment and in order to save lives bring.

“The Nephrology makes this study an important contribution for the SARS-CoV-2-exploration.”

The hope is that the results of the forecast second wave of Infection available in the autumn.

Significantly, mortality increased rate

As the society explained, several studies show that patients who suffer from COVID-19, often at an early stage in the course of renal involvement, i.e., in albuminuria (and/or hematuria).

A Chinese study, which was published at the end of April in the journal “JASN” (“Journal of the American Society of Nephrology”), came to the conclusion that the renal involvement in COVID-19-patients and in -patients worsens the Outcome of the novel virus disease dramatically, and the mortality rate by a factor of 10 increases (1.25 percent of the Patients without renal involvement died vs. 11.2 percent of the Patients with renal involvement).

So far, only the Occurrence of acute renal failure (AKI) as an independent predictor for mortality was, according to another study, but as it seems, are already early signs of renal involvement, such as protein loss in the urine, reduction of Proteins in the blood, as well as the loss of Antithrombin III prognostically significant.

Three key parameters for risk assessment

This realization took advantage of a nephro logical Forschunsgteam of the Universitätsmedizin Göttingen (UMG), and developed a therapeutic path to treat in order to classify on the basis of the “kidney values” Risk patients for severe COVID-19-history Strat, and early intensified.

The action path was published at the beginning of may in the prestigious journal “The Lancet” as a “Correspondence”. A large observational study, in which several University hospitals are involved, is underway.

“Our core parameters for risk assessment are protein in the blood, protein in the urine and Serum Antithrombin-III – already two of these three parameters increase the risk of the patient relevant to be intense with obligation to pay”, so Professor Dr. Oliver Gross, Department of Nephrology and rheumatology of the UMG.

Kidney values rise at COVID-19-Diagnsoe

These new findings have therapeutic consequence: A lack of protein in the blood can lead to a so-called “water lung”, a deficiency of Antithrombin III to Thrombembolien such as the dreaded pulmonary embolism.

Both life-threatening diseases knows every Nephrologist and every nephrologist of patients with nephrotic syndrome.

“A prophylactic therapy, we can these two complications, the many COVID-19-patient cost of life, specifically to counteract, by a drainage therapy, as well as by intensified anticoagulation,” says the göttingen kidney expert.

Therefore, it is of the utmost importance, these values kidney at diagnosis of the COVID-to raise 19-a disease with.

In severe cases, the complaints often suddenly

“The kidneys are a more sensitive Seismograph, and allow an early prediction of the COVID-19-history”, Prof. Dr. Julia Weinmann-Menke, Mainz, spokesperson of the DGfN.

“Currently, the investigators in the case of a Smear, and a history of survey shall, if at all, only a auscultation. The Patient is then sent in a complaint to the freedom of home. Even in the case of a positive result is waiting until symptoms are present“, explains the expert.

“We know that in patients with severe forms of the disease, the symptoms are often sudden and within a few hours, dramatically can. We miss in these patients, the time window for early Intervention.“

Many lives could be saved

The DGfN is the three renal values in the COVID-19-the basis of diagnosis, once the new study has validated the parameters.

“We hope for a quick implementation, and evaluation of the study, before a second major wave of Infection, which many virologists to be expected in the autumn. The diagnosis of renal parameters is easy and little cost-intensive,“ says Prof. Weinmann-Menke.

“The patients that do not have changes in the kidney values could be calmed down to wait and the virus disease recuperate at home, the other could be closely observed and prophylactically treated before severe organ setting failure. This approach could save many lives,“ explains the DGfN-spokesperson. (ad)