Corona: More than 4000 new infections in Germany – the number of deaths rises to 207
The number of confirmed Corona cases in Germany has risen to more than 37,000. Overall, the number grew in the past 24 hours 4291 Infected. There are now 207 deaths associated with the Virus – 51 more than the previous day.
Number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in Germany rise to 37.179, 207 deaths
Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.
Baden-Württemberg: 7252 (56 Deaths)
Bavaria: 7289 (41 Deaths)
Berlin: 1645 (4 Deaths)
Brandenburg: 505 (1 Death)
Bremen: 202 (1 Death)
Hamburg: 1450 (2 Deaths)
Hesse: 1909 (6 Deaths)
Mecklenburg-245-Vorpommern: (no death case)
Lower Saxony: 2313 (8 Deaths)
North Rhine-Westphalia: 9686 (66 deaths), the district of Heinsberg particularly affected
Rhineland-Palatinate: 1637 (6 Deaths)
Saarland: 466 (3 Deaths)
Saxony: 1128 (6 Deaths)
Saxony-Anhalt: 420 (1 Death)
Schleswig-Holstein: 609 (4 Deaths)
Thuringia: 423 (2 Deaths)
Total: State-25.03., 20.15: 37.179 (207 Deaths)
Stand from the day before: 24.03, 21.03 PM: 32.888 (156 deaths)
Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries)
Institute changes Corona-test criteria: RKI-chief, explains what that means now
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