Listeria, Salmonella, and Co: harmful germs in the finished salads
Ready-made salads dangerous to often health of germs loaded
Raw food is the Trend. Because the uncooked method of preparation of food, such as salads or sprouts remain natural, and therefore heat destroys sensitive vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes. However, you may frolic in such products, but also health-threatening germs, experts warn.
Pathogens in salads
Healthy salads are an important part of a balanced diet. But you should be before consumption is always well-washed and ideally freshly prepared. In the case of pre-cut products from the supermarket, be careful. Because pathogens are part. The Max-Rubner-Institute (MRI) in Karlsruhe, reported.
Results of a three-year research project submitted to
The MRI has been investigated in a three-year research project on the microbiological quality of fresh vegetable products and a report with the results presented.
According to a bacteria, such as Listeria, Salmonella or Escherichia coli in the center of the investigation.
As in the past, it was found that ready-made salads and sprouts are micro-biologically considered problematic.
600 fresh, herbal products examined
Since vegetables and fruits are often consumed raw, is a good micro biological quality is particularly important.
According to the experts explained, the outbreak of infection with E. coli, illness-causing entero-hemorrhagic Escherichia coli, in 2011, that also herbal products can be contaminated with pathogenic, i.e. harmful microorganisms.
In the MRI study, a total of 600 fresh, herbal products (sheet, leaf and mixed salads, ready-to – eat salads (i.e., pre-cut, washed salad mixes and Ready-to-Eat salads), cucumbers, herbs, carrots and sprouts) and edible fungi were investigated.
Microbiological quality was insufficient
The investigation showed that the microbiological quality of the cucumbers, carrots, and mushrooms was consistently good.
In carrots and edible mushrooms pathogenic bacteria (potentially disease-causing germs) – could; if at all – only a few small in number to be detected, cucumbers were not objectionable.
The microbiological quality of the herbs was acceptable. The total bacterial load was in the Mediterranean is relatively high, human pathogenic bacteria could not be demonstrated, however.
The microbiological quality of head, leaf and leaf lettuces was evaluated by the experts as good to medium.
It has been demonstrated in isolated human pathogenic bacteria, but the microbial load is reduced by measures such as Cleaning and Washing before consumption by the consumer.
The microbiological quality of ready-to-eat mixed salads, however, was “insufficient”: These products showed six per cent, the highest percentage in a comparison of the product groups that were contaminated with human pathogenic bacteria.
Health hazards cannot be ruled out
Of the German society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM), the target and alert levels defined for ready-to-eat mixed salads and sprouts.
These guideline values represent a recommendation with regard to the hygienic-microbiological product status.
In eating salads, ready-Mixed, 42 percent of the examined samples exceeded the guideline values for the total germ number. Part of alert levels were exceeded.
The MRI, according to the added complication is that consumers are salads ready-to-eat Mixed, as the Name says, directly to consume.
The microbiological quality of sprouts was also “insufficient”, even here the total number of bacteria is very high, isolated human pathogenic bacteria could be detected.
Due to the Exceeding of alert levels in some eating salads and sprouts finished Mixing cannot be ruled out, according to the MRI, “a health hazard of consumers”.
In this study, carried out Experiments on the storage of ready-to-eat salads and sprouts showed that especially in the case of improper storage (high temperature, long storage period), a proliferation and colonization by human pathogenic bacteria can take place.
The MRI therefore advises:
- Sprouts should not be eaten raw, but always blanched.
- The duration of storage consumption is to reduce pavers mixed salads, at a Minimum, the storage temperature should not exceed 4°C.
- Ready-to-eat salads should be eaten after Opening the packing immediately. (ad)