Who replaces Steak, fish, live healthier

Especially men over 50 and women of childbearing age benefit from it, instead of eating red meat fish. The weekly recommended 350 grams of fish could be achieved – along with the positive effects on health. The calculations of the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark.

What is the impact it has on health, if a food is replaced by another? To answer this question, Sofie Theresa Thomsen develops, PhD student at National Food Institute, a special calculation method. From their calculations showed that the replacement of red and processed meat, fish has a significant positive impact on health: "The Danish people a year could gain up to a total of 7,000 years of healthy life, when all the adult Danes eat fish in the recommended amounts and at the same time their consumption of meat würden&quot reduce;, so Thomsen.

In principle, this is true in any age, but for men over 50 and women of childbearing age the health Benefits was calculated to be particularly large: "In the case of young women, the consumption of fish that contains healthy fish oils is not for the benefit only of the women themselves. The health-promoting properties have a positive effect on the development of their unborn children aus", Thomsen explains.

The type of fish is important: The biggest health Benefits from the consumption of oily fish such as herring and mackerel. Tuna performs much worse, because it contains only a comparatively little bit of healthy fatty acids, but high concentrations of methyl mercury. For women of childbearing age, this is of particular importance, because the latter can damage the brain development of unborn children. Also raw fish should not be eaten during pregnancy.

Fish is a source of healthy fatty acids and Vitamin D, but may also contain potentially harmful substances such as methyl mercury. Red and processed meat is an important source of iron, however, contributes to the intake of saturated fatty acids and is associated with the development of various types of cancer.