Spiral after that

What is the spiral then is it?

In the case of the spiral, then is it the same copper spiral, which also contribute to the long-term prevention use. Both for emergency as well as for long-term prevention of a woman doctor puts the spiral in the uterus. Accordingly, it is called the copper spiral intrauterine device (IUD):

  • intra = into something
  • Uterus = Womb

In contrast to the copper spiral is the hormone spiral is not for emergency contraception.

How does the spiral then?

The spiral then works without hormones. Instead, influenced by the copper in the spiral of the Milieu in the uterus and in the fallopian tubes. These Changes …

  • … affect the motility of the sperm and hinder the fertilization of the ovum.
  • … prevent implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus.

When do I have to let the spiral then, at the latest, use?

You need to spiral after that, within 120 hours after unprotected intercourse can be used – so no later than the fifth day after that. Thus, you can make your decision a little time.

When it comes about towards the end of the week to a prevention span and then opt for the spiral after that, you can wait for the weekend alone and at the start of the week your wife, consult a physician.

How effective is the spiral then is it?

After a prevention span prevents the spiral after a pregnancy with almost 100% certainty: your Pearl Index is 0.09%, in situations with a high risk of Pregnancy at about 2 percent. (A Pearl Index of 2 means that out of 100 women who prevent a year with this method, two women have unwanted pregnancies.)

In order to prevent the spiral then a pregnancy after unprotected intercourse safer than the morning-after pill. Because the effectiveness of the morning-after pill may fluctuate between 59 and 98 percent,depending on

  • how much time between the prevention of margin and taking the pill is passed, and
  • to cycle at what time in the menstrual period the woman is.

In addition, the effectiveness of the pill may be reduced thereafter if the woman is overweight. In the case of the spiral, then the Body Mass Index (BMI), however, has no impact on safety.

The spiral then is the safest method to prevent pregnancy after a contraceptive range.

Unlike the morning-after pill and the spiral, then you can also prevent the ovulation a pregnancy, if the woman was close to ovulation, unprotected intercourse. Thus, the spiral then after ovulation, the only effective emergency contraception.

How long the coil can remain in the body?

If the spiral is then inserted, you can then simply as a regular method of contraception use. Depending on the model of the spiral, then three to five years in the uterus stay.

The spiral after that, so it is not immediately in the long term against pregnancy. Otherwise the morning-after pill: Has a woman after taking them while the rest of the cycle once again, unprotected sex can you be pregnant.

What are the advantages of the spiral then?

The spiral then has no interactions with drugs. Otherwise the morning-after pill that comes in two variants (contains the hormone Levonorgestrel, the active ingredient ulipristal acetate): Both can have interactions with other drugs. Examples:

  • Some medications (such as St. John’s wort, or certain anti-fungal agents, anti-epileptic drugs, HIV, and tuberculosis funds) to reduce the effect of the morning-after pill.
  • The concomitant use of hormonal contraceptives can make ulipristal acetate may be ineffective.

In addition, the spiral is then in the quiet time suitable. However, breastfeeding should be the end of women after taking the morning after pill

  • 8 days (in the case of the variant with ulipristal acetate), or
  • 8 to 24 hours (in the case of the variant with Levonorgestrel)

pump and discard your milk, it is thus ensured that the active substance is excreted via the milk to the child.

The spiral then has side effects?

No matter whether the copper coil comes as a long-term method of contraception or as a spiral, then to the use – side effects and risks are the same:

  • Most common side effect is an enhanced, prolonged and/or painful menstruation (especially in the first months after the Insertion of the spiral).
  • In addition, can between bleeding occur (especially in the beginning).
  • Rarely developed a pelvic inflammation, which without adequate treatment to infertility can lead to.

What are the disadvantages of the spiral then has?

The spiral then is a small procedure in the uterus is necessary. As a long-term method of contraception the copper in a spiral, usually during menstruation when the cervix is open. At the Onset of the spiral, then, is the cervix closed, which is why some women during or shortly after the procedure, cramping pain feel.

What is the spiral then is the cost?

Between 130 and 180 Euro for the spiral then due and payable. The cost for the copper coil for emergency contraception, for the Insertion and for the first ultrasound examination for the position control of the statutory health insurance funds – but only in women up to the age of 22. Years of age.

When is the spiral after that, not question it?

The spiral then is not suitable for you if:

  • You are already pregnant,
  • Have you had a pelvic inflammation or a history of multiple abdominal inflammation,
  • Your uterus has a malformation or
  • Your uterus is too small.


Online information of pro familia e. V.: www.profamilia.de (retrieval date: 7.1.2020)

The “spiral” afterwards. Online information from the Federal centre for health education (BZgA): www.familienplanung.de (status: 30.7.2019)

Ludwig, M.: Emergency Contraception. The Gynecologist, Vol. 51, Iss. 12, pp 1047-1059 (December 2018)

For More Information

Onmeda-Reading Tips:

  • Spiral (intrauterine device, IUD): The most important information
  • The morning-after pill: A Form of emergency contraception
  • Forum for prevention: on-line discussion with expert advice


*The contribution of “spiral” afterwards published by Onmeda. Contact with the executives here.